BSc (Hons), MSc in Counselling, MBACP (Accredited)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy based on the theory that our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and how our body feels are all connected. If we change one of these we can alter the others.
When we feel worried, anxious or distressed we often fall into patterns of thinking and responding which can worsen how we feel. CBT helps us become aware of, challenge and change problematic thinking styles, unhealthy beliefs and behaviour patterns so we can feel better. CBT has lots of strategies that can help you in the here and now.
I will work with you collaboratively to break down your problems into separate parts – your situation/issue/triggering event ( this can be current or past, real or imagined) – your thoughts and beliefs, your physical feelings and actions. We will look at your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to work out if they are unrealistic or unhelpful and to determine the effect they have on each other and on you.
After working out what you can change, I will encourage you to practice these changes in your everyday life.
CBT has a good evidence base for a wide range of mental health problems in adults, older adults, children and young people. This research has been carefully reviewed by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), who provide independent, evidence-based guidance for the NHS on the most effective ways to treat disease and ill health. C.B.T can help with many issues, including:
Anxiety disorders (including panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Sleep difficulties
Anger management
Eating disorders
CBT can be used if you are on medication which has been prescribed by your GP. You can also use CBT on its own. This will depend on the difficulty you want help with.
I can help you become aware of any patterns in your thinking (cognitions),unhealthy beliefs and behaviours which might be keeping problems going and negatively affecting your feelings and emotions. I can offer information about different CBT techniques which could help you.
I will discuss with you your specific difficulties and set goals for you to achieve. CBT is not a quick fix – it involves hard work during and between sessions e.g. keeping track of what you are thinking, feeling and doing, or trying out new ways of thinking or acting. I will help you decide what difficulties you want to work on in order to help you improve your situation. I will be able to advise you on how to continue using CBT techniques in your daily life after your therapy ends.
“Our life is what our thoughts make it”
– Marcus Aurelius